Thursday, March 28, 2013

Deeper than what I thought

Watercolor and photoshop

Deeper than what I thought

I really like these designs! I'm not very good at portrait painting but I think this one looks pretty good!

I hope you like it!

Yes, Dreams come true!

This is the original watercolor painting

This is the design with photoshop

Friday, March 15, 2013

Nude female paintings

Recently, I work on female drawing and painting!
Let me what you think of it!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day! All women, celebrate your freedom! 
 Isn't it a great day! That's why I wanted to share an art project I'm working on!

Art Institute of Chicago

Hey guys, It was awesome to be at  Art Institute of Chicago! They have a lot! 
Monet, Dali, Van Gogh, Picasso, Chagall, Renoir, Miro, Rene Magritte, Max Beckman, Paul Klee, Franz Marc, Amedeo Modigliani.... more and more....

If you love art, you should definitely visit the museum!

Look at it! Isn't it amazing! 


Van Gogh
 I was very excited to see one of Van Gogh's paintings! Because he is my favorite painter!

 I was very happy to be there! Seeing all amazing artists' works was exciting!

Riding a hot air balloon in Cappadocia

  Getting ready for the ride. It was at 5 am! so early!

                                                                 Ready! Come on !

          My in laws were there, too! They thought that Cappadocia was beautiful!

It was very fun to ride a hot air balloon in Cappadocia. We were there for our honeymoon. It was amazing to be there!

I was so sleepy as you see!

 My husband, Adam! He was very excited!

                                       We were that close to the fairy chimneys!

                                                    After party! Getting drinks!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Van Gogh

 çıkıverdin ansızın
rüyalarımın sonu hep bulanık ve rengarenk odalarından
yıkıldı duvarların, paramparça oldun
küf tutmuş etin kanlandı
arındı ruhun ölümün inadından
buldun kendini o cılız ve hastalıklı bedeninde yeniden
ayaklanıp dikildin
karşımda durdun
saçmaladım, konuşamadım titremekten
sense sadece gülümsedin hasır şapkanın altından

tablolarıma baktın
sonra kızdın,
tablolarında köylüler yok, dedin.
ben de sana; insanlar her şeyi mahvederken onları çizemem, dedim.

öfkeli saniyeler birbirini ivediyle kovalarken,
tartıştık durmadan.
sen cebinden bir puro çıkarıp yaktın
bir tane de bana uzattın.
ben de yaktım puromu usulca!

çok geçmeden
geç oldu, gitmem gerek artık, dedin.
gözlerine baktım,  gülümseyip peki, dedim.
sense, Theo'ya her mektubunda dediğin gibi
"inan bana" dedin ayrılırken
bense cebimdeki son parayı uzattim arkandan
yeni resimlerin için, dedim.
sense ellerini uzattin
o bereketli ellerinin cizgileri değdi felçli bedenime
sarıp sarmaladın beni, göğe çıkarip boşlukta uçurdun
yorgun ellerime bulaştı boyaların!
mavilerin, sarıların...
ellerimden de tuvallerime...

Güneş Yılmaz
6 veya 7 Kasım 2012

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Go, create something! Immediately!

Is it really easy to be creative?  Go go! Create something or copy?

OK, What is creativity? 

For me, creativity is capturing a moment! You realize that something is special! Something which others didn't realize and you put it down! Something makes you feel better, excited, unique, amazing...

OK, Who is creative?  

I think that we are all creative in some ways! Not necessarily artistic...

If you ask me what is my creativity, I'll say that it is in art.

Can I learn to be creative?

I think creativity can't be forced! it's about the moment! It's coming from inside. Normally when I talk to people about my creative ideas or dreams, after a while I lose them! I don't feel they are special anymore! But after I create what I think or see in my dreams, I feel better and then I show it to people! and people find it creative and different! Mostly!

Sometimes, I feel that creativity can be learned, sometimes I say NO NO! It can only be developed!
It can be encouraged! but It can't be taught! You can be definitely inspired by other people's works!
but copying is not creativity! Not at all! there are a lot of people who only copy! Don't ever copy!

Who is the most creative painter?

Of course, Van Gogh! His style is unique! He always listened to his heart!

Gunes Yilmaz

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

How many times I say that I’m from Turkey?

How many times every day I have to tell people I am Turkish!

It has been really long time I have been living here. Whenever I meet people, I say that I’m from Turkey - I’m Turkish! It’s not because of I’m nationalist. It’s because I’m asked where I’m from everyday! It's because I have to say where I'm from!

I have been thinking of it! It's hard to say how many times I say that but I can tell it is a lot! When I work at Walters Art Museum! When I meet people who are friends of friends!

The funny thing is before I say where I'm from, people always think I’m from Mexico or Spain!  They say I look like Spanish of Hispanic! I don’t remember how many times people started speaking Spanish with me! It’s  really cool. I have learned many Spanish words! Hola... Cómo estás?...Buenos días....Muy bien... Let me tell you something I don’t complain about it at all. Because the best friends I have had are Mexicans and Spanish people.  There are Russians as well. All Russians I have met are great people! I don't even have to tell about Turks, do I?

Last week for the first time someone asked me if I was from Iran at the Walters Art Museum while I worked! That was the closest guess ever since I have come to the USA!

Anyway, being a Turkish in the USA is fun! People love Turkey for some reasons hehehe :) :)
Aw man! Turkish food is delicious! I'm missing it a lot! Gladly there is a Turkish restaurant two blocks away from us. It's Cazbar! It's in Mount Vernon in Baltimore. It's the best! If you haven't tried Turkish food before, just go there! Enjoy the food!

Gunes Yilmaz