Sunday, May 29, 2011

How I Met a Mentor

I had been researching local artists in Washington, DC when I saw her name: Nihal Kececi.  It was a Turkish name, which was what caught my attention.  I found her on Facebook and sent her a message.  She replied quickly, which was a pleasant surprise.  Then she invited me to a reception she was having in Alexandria, and I decided to meet her.
It was very fun to work with her.

I enjoyed the work so much, I didn't even realize how quickly the time went.

Her style is great – her colors are brilliant and her images take me to places in my dreams.  Especially her figure paintings, which amaze me.  After meeting her, we kept talking online and I had a chance to help her in a studio she was renting.  Now she is going to teach me how to stretch canvases and make frames… and hopefully painting as well :):)
I’ve never met an artist like her.  She’s always happy and very friendly.  She has a big smile.  :):)

Here are some my favorite of hers

silence scream


 If you are wondering about her art, you can find her on Google, Nihal Kececi.
Or find her on facebook, she'll answer you.


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